Monday, July 17, 2006

The Places You'll Go, pt. 2

Greetings, gentle reader. It's been a while, but I've been busy.

The latest trips have been on vacation, flying, and work.

This is my brother and his 2-month Bernese Mountain Dog pup
py on vacation. As you can tell, it has the usual puppy attributes - cuteness and a need to misbehave.

During my time off, I found some cute potential small houses. This one is very simple - about 160 sq. ft. inside.

I've also been flying N211LS around. Here, a recent stop at Midway Midloathian - Waxahachie regional.

And, to top it off, here is the smallest hotel room that I've ever stayed in. It is essentially the room is used to connect two normal rooms to make a suite. However, it was fairly comfy, and no strange mammals came through in the night, so it was Ok. The fact that they didn't charge me helped.


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